ANIS NUR HANIFAH – 1201050152

Bullying at School

      Bullying seems to happen often enough that we are no longer shocked to hear about it. There are many cases of bullying that happen in Indonesian schools. It is estimated that about 20% of all kids are bullied in school at any time, and about half have experienced bulling at some point before. There are four ways of bullying, physical, verbal, relationship and cyber.

      Bullying has bad effects for both the victim and person doing it or the bully. For the victims, they can lose their interest in school and they may suffer physical injuries and mental health problem. They may suffer depression and anxiety. They look sad and lonely. They suffer eating and sleep disorders and lose interest in activities they used to enjoy. The students begin to perform poorly in academic work. Some end up dropping out of school. There have been reports by on extreme cases where victims end up committing suicide or killing themselves. Some people call this tragedy ‘Bullicide’.

      The students who bully tend to have violent behavior as well. If they are allowed to continue bullying, they may engage in risky and more violent behavior. They will take this to adulthood. Bullies tent to start alcohol and drugs abuse in adolescence and as adults. They also engage in fights and vandalism. Some end up as school drop-outs. Engage in early sexual activity and become vulnerable to child sexual abuse and sexually transmitted infections. Bullies may become abusers toward their spouses and children.

      Based on the opinion above, we can conclude that bullying has bad effects for both the victim and or the bully. They may suffer physical or physiological disorders. And of course that is not good for their future live.

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