Abortion is the ending of pregnancy before birth. How odd that people are able to define something, that is such a controversial issue, so easily. The reason for the controversy is the different viewpoints of this very personal matter. And now it becomes a serious problem in Indonesia.

      I think the teenagers do abortion because they have many reasons. The best option for their own specific situations. Some say they aren’t ready for the kind of changes a baby would bring to their lives. Teens who were afraid to tell their parents they were pregnant often grew desperate to end their pregnancies. If the students pregnant, she begin school with significant disadvantages in learning, drop out of school, and gets bullying because she pregnant before married.  

      Three in every five Indonesian begin having intercourse before age 20. Many of the youngest women in this group (70% of those age 13 or under) report having had sex forced on them. By the time they turn 20, about 40% of Indonesia women have been pregnant at least once. Because teens in other developed countries receive more education about sexuality and have more access to contraception and family planning services, they have much lower rates of pregnancy and abortion.

       So, we can make a conclusion that the abortion is very dangerous for teenagers and has many negative effects.

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